Petre's Middle Temple Accounts & Transcript
Speed's plan of Colchester, 1610
Page of Thaxted Parish Register, D/P 16/1/1,
Examples of Secretary Handwriting &
Cracking the 'Code'
Will re Southfields, Dedham, [D/ABW 8/80] &
Picture of Southfields, Dedham
William Harrison's Description of England
Thomas Tusser's Hundred Good Points of Husbandry
Map of Great Henny showing remnants of field
strips, D/DU 332/9a
Walker Map of Chelmsford, 1591
Denny Monument, Waltham Abbey
cases, including Elizabeth Lowys, 1565 & Joan Prentice, 1589
Copy & Transcript of Chelmsford By-laws,
Photocopy and Transcript of footballing incident,
Extracts from Norden's Description
of Essex, 1594
Transcript of Dedham Grammar School Statutes,
Parish Chest of Radwinter
Transcript of Great Easton Parish Book - Vagabonds
in 1597
William Byrd and Music at Ingatestone Hall, 1589
A Protestant Martyr at Brentwood
- William Hunter, 1555
A Roman Catholic Martyr associated
with Essex - St.Anne Line, 1601.
Extract from 'Loathsome smell' of starch, 1614 |